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We all had the month of April off from Lilla Rogers' Assignment Bootcamp course and I wanted to keep my creative juices flowing so created 3 t'shirt designs for the Ohh Deer Competition which was fun! I decided to go for funky hairdo's as my subject. I used to love drawing fashion models with funky hair styles and I have had a few printed onto canvas over the years which look fab!
Out of the 3, the Mohawk design was the most popular and actually my fave too! I even bought a vest and cant wait for the weather to get warmer so I can wear it!
This Month we are back to work on our Assignments and can't wait to find out Lilla has in store for us!
I love peacock feathers at the moment so thought they would look fab as a Mohawk!
The Mullet is back! I went a bit 80's on this one, but thought I'd keep the peacock feather theme!
I went full on Peacock head dress for this one!