Friday, 21 February 2014

Lilla Rogers Bootcamp 1st Assignment

It's nearly deadline day for our first assignment which was studying, sketching cuckoo clocks, then fitting our design ideas to a phone cover. I started the assignment looking at the different kinds of cuckoo clocks from the traditional type to the more contemporary, wacky shaped ones! I homed in on the pretty elements of which there are so many you can play around with! As I happily doodled away, I found myself concerntrating more on the pattern element of cuckoo clocks rather than the shape of the clock & started building my own pattern using flowers, birds & butterflies.

It's been great seeing everyones developments on Facebook, there is so much talent out there & the support everyone is giving each other along the way is overwhelming! Im so happy to be a part of it all!

I would like to share my own developments with you..from doodle to finished piece & also show you how I developed my patterns further.. I have enjoyed this assignment so much & cant wait for the next one!

First doodles using my favourite pink feathery pen with disco ball

I scanned in my doodles and then started to work them up in Illustrator

I decided not to design a conventional cuckoo clock shape

I liked the idea of a Tattoo syle clock

This is the colour pallette I wanted to use & it was great to see they were one of the pallettes recommended by Lilla in her surprise feature! I love these colours together & I always have to have a splash of my favourite colour pink in the mix!

This is the first layout I tried on a phone cover. I had to re-arrange my design to fit, but I think it works!

I wanted to develop this pattern further...Im enjoying this!

I wanted to look at another option & I quite like the tattoo style of this one

I thought this design would look great on a t'shirt too!

I think the birdies work as great co-ordinate patterns with pastels or bright backgrounds.

I hope you enjoyed sharing my journey so far... even though it is nearing the end of this assignment I want to carry on developing my designs further & see where it leads..more exciting things to come, watch this space!x

The Bootcamp Gallery will be unveiled Tuesday 25th February go check it out
( you can access it by clicking on the Lilla Rogers Studio School Icon on  the side of my page)

Friday, 7 February 2014

Lilla Rogers Assignment Bootcamp

So it's week 6 of my Freelance life & alongside my jobs, I've enrolled on Lilla Rogers Assignment Bootcamp which is very exciting! It runs over the next 6 months & each Month starts with a mini assignment to get us warmed up for the main one in the middle of the Month. Our 1st mini assignment is Cuckoo Clocks!

To be honest they have never interested me & some of them are quite hideous! but, as I started gathering my reference together I found out that there are so many variations, from the very traditional type that we all think of when we think of cuckoo clocks, to contemporary, decorative interpretations.

So, I started doodling with my favourite pink biro pen :0) .. I homed in on the pretty elements, the flowers, patterns, birds, pine cones & the clock faces. I didn't want to copy, I wanted to create my own interpretation. As you can see from my doodles, they've developed as I've got into it! I must admit, I'm really enjoying it & finding it hard to tear myself away! Im getting worried that the ink in my fluffy pen will soon run out & I wont find another one like it!......hehe... Seriously, it's so nice not to be staring at the computer screen for a change!  I'm looking forward to the main assignment which will be released soon & encorporates all the elements we've been working on.

Monday, 3 February 2014

I'ts February!

Well I have waved goodbye to January & hello to a new month & new challenges!..

It's week 5 of my Freelance life & last week knocked my confidence abit...A job fell through, that could have been a great opportunity for me & I've had 3 rejections from Agents and the other 2 Agencies haven't responded to my emials so Im thinking the worst :-(
Ok, I didn't expect great things to happen straight away, but It's hard to get back up, dust yourself off and carry on....but, I love what I do & thats what keeps me going!

When I feel rubbish I find that doodling in my sketch book relaxes me, so thats what I did & I created some animal characters which I think look quite fun!
I'm not going to show you my doodles because they are rubbish(in my opinion, I know, but your still not seeing them) .., but I will show you a couple of the drawings I finished in Illustrator which I hope you like! :0)

I thought it would be a nice idea to do a giveaway on my Myla-May Facebook page and the winner can pick which character they would like on an A4 print. Maybe it would make a nice gift for Valentines Day or just to keep!

Since I have been going it alone, I have been looking at developing my own identity with a hope that one day I will be out there in the marketplace. Like many Designers out there trying to make their mark, I want to be recognised for my style of work, at the moment, I'm feeling abit insecure about my style... I'm asking myself lots of I different enough to make a difference? do I stick with the style I work in at the moment? do I try and develop a completely new style? do I use a different medium? Being an artist I am always searching for that new idea, experimenting and creating, and thats what I love, But is it enough, will I ever find my comfort zone, will I ever find my niche?....

Anyway, I thought I needed to boost my confidence and find something to focus on & channel my creativity - I have found the perfect solution!

The very inpirational Lilla Rogers is holding an Assignment Bootcamp over the next 6 months so I decided to sign up! It starts today with a mini challenge just to get us warmed up, we are drawing 'Cuckoo Clocks' a great subject to get started because there are so many interesting elements!
It's a great opportunity to network with the other class mates & there will be a gallery to showcase all our ideas!
I would like to share my journey with you and post my sketches & ideas, It will be intresting to see how I go about each assignment and whether it will help me come to a decision about my current style!

Watch this space!x